Osteoporosis is a condition that arises when there is an imbalance between old bone tissues breaking down and new bones replacing them. When there isn’t enough creation of new bones to keep up with the loss of old bones, even mild stresses can lead to bone fractures.
Women and older adults are at higher risk of developing osteoporosis. The condition manifests itself in the form of several symptoms that differ in nature according to the stage of the disease.
What Are The Common Symptoms Of Osteoporosis?
When older bones break down at a rate greater than the rate of formation of new bones, our bones develop holes and become more fragile. If you have to prevent the serious consequences of osteoporosis, you have to detect and treat the condition at its early stage itself.
What Are The Early Signs Of Osteoporosis?
Symptoms of bone loss are rare in the early stages of osteoporosis. Often, people do not even know that they have osteoporosis until they have broken a bone and consult with a physician. The signs given below can indicate bone loss.
Receding Gums
Loss of bone in the jaw may be indicated by receding gums. If you have receding gums, screening for bone loss in the jaw can help in diagnosis.
Weak And Brittle Fingernails
Nail strength is an indicative of bone strength. However, all cases of poor nail strength is not indicative of poor bone strength, as outdoor activities like gardening, swimming and other exercises can affect your nail strength adversely, all the while not affecting your bones.
Weaker Grip Strength
A study conducted in postmenopausal women evaluating their bone mineral densities found that low handgrip strength may indicate low bone mineral density.
What Are The Symptoms Of Osteoporosis In Later Stages?
In the later stages of osteoporosis bone loss becomes more evident and serious.
Here are some of the osteoporosis symptoms in later stages.
Loss Of Height
An easily noticeable sign of osteoporosis, loss of height is caused by the compression fractures in the spine.
Neck Or Back Pain
The compression fractures in the spine may cause the collapsed vertebra to pinch the nerves that spread out from the spinal cord. The result is minor to severe pain.
Fracture that results from even minor falls that would otherwise cause no damage is the common symptom associated with osteoporosis. Even a strong cough or sneeze may cause a fracture in a person with osteoporosis.
Stooped Posture
Compression of the vertebra may cause your upper back to curve slightly. The specific condition known as kyphosis can cause neck and back pain.
Noticing even the slightest symptoms of osteoporosis helps you diagnose it early and begin the treatment so that you can avoid the serious symptoms of the condition.