Osteopenia Vs Osteoporosis
Osteopenia is a condition where patients have lower bone mass or bone mineral density than is typical for their age. Nevertheless, osteoporosis cannot be diagnosed by medical specialists since the bone mineral density is still too high. When the body loses bone mass or density, osteoporosis develops. The bone structure generally resembles
Osteoporosis Patients
Osteoporosis is a condition that affects bones, caused by a loss of bone density and resultant porous bones. Older adults are at a higher risk of developing the condition, with older women at a much higher risk when compared to older men. While proper treatment involving prescription medication and physical therapy is the
Osteoporosis Treatment
Osteoporosis is a serious medical condition that would increase the risk of fractures due to the loss of bone mass and density. People of all age groups are at risk of developing osteoporosis, though older people are considered to be a higher risk category. People who are genetically predisposed to osteoporosis also have
Osteoporosis Treatment
Our body might lose too much bone with increasing age. It may also make less and less bone as we age. Sometimes both these conditions might exist in one person. This makes the bones weaker and susceptible to breakage. A fall, a bump or in advanced cases, even a sneeze can result in
Osteoporosis In Women
Osteoporosis - often referred to as a silent disease – is a condition that weakens bones, leading to unexpected fractures and falls. Osteoporosis can progress slowly and without pain or any symptoms, making the bones porous, and eventually resulting in the loss of bone mass and strength. It is estimated that one
Osteoporosis Treatment
There are several health conditions that can affect your bone health thereby increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of those osteoporosis risk factors that can cause the development of this chronic bone disorder. People with rheumatoid arthritis should take great care to maintain better bone health to avoid the chance
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga is known for its many physical and mental health benefits. A lesser-known benefit of yoga, however, is that it can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become thin and weak. Yoga can help improve bone health by increasing strength and density. In addition
Osteoporosis Treatment
Bone rebuilding is a process that happens in our bodies throughout our lives. As age increases the rebuilding process of bones slows down making the bones weaker. Osteoporosis is the condition in which your bones lose their mineral density. Osteoporosis treatment includes medications along with maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Medications for osteoporosis
Osteoporosis Treatment
As osteoporosis progresses silently, it might not be always possible for you to detect the presence of this disorder. This can cause your condition to become worse thereby making your bones extremely weak. If you suspect that your bones are becoming weak, then it is important to consult your doctor to conduct tests
Osteoporosis Treatment
Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone where bone tissue mass is reduced due to a lack of calcium. For a healthy individual, their bones stay dense and have a honeycomb-like appearance under a microscope. In a person with osteoporosis, however, the holes and gaps are larger due to density loss. Such a